Mokshda wants to achieve a healthy collaborationto collectivise communities towards the road of green revolution. One of the significant processes targeted through Mokshda, is the green cremation method which is a better alternative than the conventional cremation method, providing proper air combustion and efficiency to the cremation processes. Through Mokshda, the initiative wants to protect the upcoming generations of children and bring awareness to people to grant protectionism to trees and facilitate green habits towards our environment while sustaining a better environment than what everybody is residing in.

Mokshda wants to protect the environment and to save trees and employ better greener solutions for processes of cremation and to bring down the costs involved in the process and the trees deforested as a result of Hindu cremation rituals. The greener initiative is to foster awareness amongst the communities targeted through the common man and his daily life habits, and to educate him to understand climate change and the ideas behind having a healthy environment and bringing awareness to the pollution we add to our surroundings, while being responsible to sustaining it harmoniously. The idea to save our environment from our daily exploitation of the planet we are inhabiting for our needs and wants, is what drives Mokshda to be conscious of executing practises that’ll change the way we fulfil our desires while progressing towards the betterment of our environment.