Mokshda wants to achieve a healthy collaboration to collectivise communities towards the road of green revolution. One of the significant processes targeted through Mokshda, is the green cremation method which is a better alternative than the conventional cremation method, providing proper air combustion and efficiency to the cremation processes. Through Mokshda, the initiative wants to protect the upcoming generations of children and bring awareness to people to grant protectionism to trees and facilitate green habits towards our environment while sustaining a better environment than what everybody is residing in.
We work to progress and innovate in protecting our environment while bringing down the release of green house gases that are ultimately adding to the increased temperatures of our mother Earth. We want to create and sustain a green environment while taking care of our communities and sheltering our newer generation from the conditions of our deteriorating environment and encouraging them to take care of the trees and the surroundings around them.

We are further incorporating a green cremation system that only uses 150-200 kgs of wood for cremation processes, where it initially was supposed to utilise 400kgs in a conventional cremation ritual. The hope for encouraging towards a greener cremation system is to bring down the release
of greenhouse gases in the environment, while increasing the efficiency of the cremation process and combatting the deleterious damage to our ecosystem leading to climate change. Let’s all come forward to save trees and our environment by employing greener methods for an inclusive healthy environment to sustain it for the positive and safe growth of our upcoming generations. We can do this together in the form of an inclusive pledge to save our environment from further destruction from our deleterious release of greenhouse gases for our own selfish needs and desires. We can change our present environment and prevent our newer generation from coming in contact with a gas chamber like environment, while welcoming them to a more breathable air and sustainable environment that is protected in the same way it protects us and our lives. Mokshda wants to achieve a healthy collaboration to collectivise communities towards the road of green revolution. One of the significant processes targeted through Mokshda, is the green cremation method which is a better alternative than the conventional cremation method, providing proper air combustion and efficiency to the cremation processes. Through Mokshda, the initiative wants to protect the upcoming generations of children and bring awareness to people to grant protectionism to trees and facilitate green habits towards our environment while sustaining a better environment than what everybody is residing in.